Colchester Green Bond Fund

Fund Overview

The Colchester Green Bond Fund aims to deliver growth and income to investors whilst offering the defensive characteristics of a global sovereign bond portfolio over the medium term.

What is a Green Bond?

  • Green bonds are debt instruments committed to financing investments, projects or assets helping climate and environmental issues

May be suitable for investors who want

  • To achieve favourable income and capital returns from a globally diversified portfolio of primarily sovereign debt or debt-like securities and currencies, including Green Bonds
  • ESG considerations to form a component of the overall portfolio
  • Potential for regular income and defensive characteristics similar to that of global sovereign bonds

Portfolio characteristics

  • Lower correlation, over the long term, to growth assets such as equities and other fixed income securities such as credit & high yield
  • Holdings comprised exclusively of sovereign bonds, supranational, government guaranteed issues including Green Bonds and currency forwards
  • No interest rate derivatives used such as futures, interest rate swaps or options
  • Attractive diversification and return characteristics over the long term

Potential Benefits for Investors

  • Potential to defend performance when other assets fall
  • Ability to access funds when needed
  • Medium term growth in investment principal
  • Opportunity to receive regular income distributions

Why choose Colchester?

  • Specialist global fixed income manager
  • Well-established and stable Investment Team
  • Consistent outperformance over the long term
  • ESG factors* have been incorporated into investment process since inception of the firm 22 years ago
  • Colchester actively engages with issuers on ESG factors*

*Colchester will not make investment decisions solely based on ESG factors

Current Research Ratings1,2

1 Refer to disclaimers at bottom of the page2 Ratings apply to Colchester Green Bond Fund Class I

Recent recognition for Colchester's Global Green Bond Fund1

Contact us for our latest Fund Research Reports

Fund Facts

Investment Objective

To achieve favourable income and capital returns from a globally diversified portfolio of primarily Green Bonds and of currencies. An associated objective is the preservation and enhancement of principal.

Investment Style

Value style investing focusing on real yield and real exchange rate valuations with fundamental research on financial stability.

BenchmarkICE Sovereign and Government Related Green Bond Custom Index (AUD Hedged)
Timeframe Investment suggested over 5 to 7 years
Liquidity Daily
Minimum Application* $1 million or as per platform minimum
Management Fee0.60% p.a.
Indirect Costs** 0.0026% p.a.
Expense Recoveries**0.00% p.a.
Net Transaction Costs**0.03% p.a.
Buy/Sell Fee0.18%/0.18% (as at 01/01/2024, reviewed at least quarterly)
Performance Feenil

*In certain circumstances Colchester may accept lower minimums for Wholesale investors applying directly**Transaction costs are a reasonable estimate of the costs for a similar product offered by Colchester for the period August 2021 to March 2022, adjusted to reflect a 12-month period.

Fund Classes

APIR CodeInception DateCurrency DistributionInvestor Type
Class I ETL0650AU15 June 2022AUD HedgedQuarterly Australian or New Zealand Wholesale, IDPS#
APIR CodeInception DateCurrency DistributionInvestor Type
Class I ETL0650AU15 June 2022AUD HedgedQuarterly Australian or New Zealand Wholesale, IDPS#

#IDPS refers to Investor Directed Platform Services

Performance Data

Colchester Green Bond Fund - Class I

Fund Update and Commentary

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*By submitting this request you acknowledge and declare that you are a licensed financial adviser or a wholesale investor as defined by section 761G of the Corporations Act Cth 2001

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Colchester Green Bond Fund - Class I

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